
March 27th, 2024 Leave a comment Go to comments

Minimal consensus for a revolutionary anti-war position

I. Bourgeois peace within capitalism is not an alternative to imperialist war, but rather its source.

II. National “liberation” and “self-determination” are fodder for interstate competition. National “liberation” only leads to the founding of new capitalist states or national “autonomy” in existing ones (for example: Kurdish nationalism in Syria and Iraq) and is a toy of imperialism. In the constant competition between nations, revolutionaries do not support any side, but fight all sides. In the long term, the world proletariat must revolutionarily destroy all nations as pseudo-communities of capital and wage labor and give birth to the classless and stateless world community.

III. Against pro-capitalist and pro-imperialist anti-fascism. Social Revolutionaries fight democracy uncompromisingly – just like all other forms of government. They fight against fascists, Nazis and military coups and dictatorships, but never defend democracy. Just as antifascism supported democratic regimes against fascist states and military coups in the Second World War and the Spanish Civil War and thus helped organize the great capitalist massacre of the world proletariat, it is also part of the justification ideologies in the various slaughters today.

IV. Only the class-struggling-revolutionary proletariat has the power to progressively end the imperialist wars by destroying capitalism.

Within this minimal consensus, we are ready for alliances with other revolutionary forces and in solidarity with their activities against the permanent capitalist world war.

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